One of the best parts of my job at Polygon is recommending cool comics to read. Whether it’s indie sci-fi, superhero drama, manga, or just the best of the year, we’re always trying to introduce readers to new and exciting picks. Lists are a great way to share a variety of comics in a short amount of time. But sometimes it’s fun to do something more personally curated.
That’s why we have this semi-regular open thread dedicated to helping you, our dear readers, find the perfect comic to read right now. Looking for the current best superhero ongoing to get hooked on? We’ve got you. Want a new manga to deep dive on? We’ve got you there, too. Want the most anticipated indie doorstop graphic novel of the summer? Do you even have to ask?
From 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. EDT, I will be in the comments section down below answering your questions and fielding requests for what you should read. We previously programmed this as a weekly movie column but will be moving that version to a monthly schedule with more, non-movie recommendation threads coming your way week over week, from games to TV to today’s subject, comics!
I should add that this is also a great place to share what you’ve been reading, if you want to talk about that with your fellow Polygon readers! Participation is very welcome, even without questions.
A little bit about me, your curator for this go-round: I’m Susana Polo, Polygon’s entertainment editor — but I used to be known as our comics editor, and comics will always be the media love of my life. While I’m a truly voracious devourer of all things sequential art, superheroes are my soul and center. If you’ve always wanted to know where to start with a character, a team, or even a whole continuity, I can definitely steer you in the right direction. And probably make you fall in love with Elongated Man in the process.
Lately, on top of keeping up with my favorite cape comics every week, I hotly anticipate new issues of the monster hunter horror book Something is Killing the Children, the adventure fantasy epic Kaya, and the space marine opera The Forged. And I’ve undertaken the long project of broadening my manga horizons by reading along with the Mangasplaining podcast, which has me picking up some incredible works, like A Journal of My Father, Phoenix, and A Bride’s Story.
Now it’s time to turn it around to you. What would you like to read this weekend (or what are you planning to read)? Leave a request in the comments and I’ll get to it between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. EDT (your lovely comics expert has a hard out, so we’ll be shifting the usual window earlier this week). Details help — let me know what you’re looking for, some idea of your taste as a comics reader, and any other relevant info you feel like sharing (like the subscription services you have access to, whether you want something finished or ongoing, or what it was about the last comic you read you’re looking to emulate, if anything).
Here are two examples of good queries from last week’s games edition:
See you in the comments at 3:30 p.m. EDT! Fire away your requests in the meantime.
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