Deathroot is a special item in Elden Ring that is only used with Gurranq, Beast Clergyman at the Bestial Sanctum. You’ll get them in several dungeons and for defeating Tibia Mariners.
Our Elden Ring deathroot guide will show you how to find and how to use deathroot to get rewards from Gurranq. We’ll also show you the location of all nine deathroot in the Lands Between.
Where to find Gurranq in Elden Ring
There’s only one NPC who deals in deathroot — Gurranq, Beast Clergyman in the Bestial Sanctum. This is in Dragonbarrow, a hard-to-reach area just past Caelid.
There’s a trick to reaching the Bestial Sanctum, though, and that starts with meeting a different NPC.
As you ride east along the road across northern Limgrave, you’ll find an NPC named D, Hunter of the Dead about halfway between the Saintsbridge and Summonwater Village Outskirts sites of grace.
He’ll tell you about how dangerous Summonwater Village is. If you ignore him and defeat the Tibia Mariner there, you’ll get a deathroot and he’ll move to Roundtable Hold.
Speaking to him at Roundtable Hold and showing him the deathroot will make him mark a location on your map — a waygate that teleports you to the Bestial Sanctum.
Technically, though, you don’t even need to speak with D. You can head straight to the waygate and the Bestial Sanctum. D will move to the Roundtable regardless.
You can also get to the Bestial Sanctum on foot by going through Dragonbarrow (and Caelid). The Bestial Sanctum itself is a safe enough place for low-level players, but the trip there is full of a lot of nasty enemies, so the portal is a much safer way to go.
Gurranq and deathroot rewards in Elden Ring
At the Bestial Sanctum in Dragonbarrow, you’ll meet Gurranq, Beast Clergyman. In exchange for each deathroot you give him, he’ll reward you with a seal and several bestial incantations, along with other beast-themed rewards.
Elden Ring deathroot rewards
Deathroot | Reward |
Deathroot | Reward |
1st | Clawmark Seal and Beast Eye talisman |
2nd | Bestial Sling incantation |
3rd | Bestial Vitality incantation |
4th | Beast's Roar Ash of War |
5th | Beast Claw incantation |
6th | Stone of Gurranq incantation |
7th | Beastclaw Greathammer weapon |
8th | Gurranq's Beast Claw incantation |
9th | Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone |
When you hand over the fourth deathroot to him, he’ll attack you. You’ll have to fight him until his health drops enough that he surrenders and becomes a merchant again.
Elden Ring Limgrave deathroot locations
There are two deathroots to find in Limgrave. You’ll get one for defeating the Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village and find one in the Deathtouched Catacombs after defeating the Black Knife Assassin.
Elden Ring Liurnia deathroot locations
There are two deathroots to find in Liurnia of the Lakes. You’ll get one for defeating the Tibia Mariner at the base of the Carian Study Hall and find one in the Black Knife Catacombs.
Elden Ring Mt. Gelmir deathroot locations
There are two deathroots to find in Mt. Gelmir. You’ll get one for defeating the Tibia Mariner in the Wyndham Ruins and find one in the Gelmir Hero’s Grave after defeating Red Wolf of the Champion.
Elden Ring Mountaintops of the Giants deathroot locations
There are three deathroots to find in the Mountaintops of the Giants. You’ll get one for defeating the Tibia Mariner a little southwest of Castle Sol, find one in the Hidden Path to the Haligtree after defeating the Stray Mimic Tear, and find one in the Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs after defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit.