Get your hands dirty without leaving your couch with Humble’s Down on the Farm bundle. Through May 10 you can add eight eccentric farming sims to your Steam library for just $20 at Humble. If you’d like to try your hand at starting a homestead outside of Stardew Valley, this is a bundle you’ll want to check out.
Each of these titles offers an interesting twist on the familiar farming sim formula cleaning up your homestead, cultivate crops, and develop relationships with a variety of NPCs. No Place Like Home has you returning from Mars to clean up a polluted Earth, while the cast of Cattails: Wildwood Story is made up entirely of ... you guessed it, cats.
Purchases of this Humble Bundle benefit the non-profit Kiss the Ground, a charity that promotes regenerative and sustainable agriculture. However, you can always customize how much of your purchase goes to the developers, Humble, or charity by using the “adjust donation” menu before checking out.