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Evil Does Not Exist’s director unpacks its strange, controversial ending
The Best Picture nominee walks us one of through 2024’s most discussable, debatable movies
The 30 best movies on Netflix right now
Toussaint Egan, Pete Volk, and 1 more
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I Saw the TV Glow director Jane Schoenbrun on fighting the ‘nefarious mechanism’ of story
What the movie means, what they’re deconstructing, and how their Slenderman documentary connects all their work
The best comedy movies of 2024 so far
Petrana Radulovic, Tasha Robinson, and 1 more
The best movies of 2024 so far
Tasha Robinson, Pete Volk, and 1 more
The best thrillers to watch on Netflix this May
Toussaint Egan, Pete Volk, and 1 more

The next level of puzzles.
Take a break from your day by playing a puzzle or two! We’ve got SpellTower, Typeshift, crosswords, and more.