“Saint of the Slums” is a lengthy, elaborate Dragon’s Dogma 2 side quest that sends you all over the map — and periodically fails to provide you with a waypoint.
The quest involves the Gracious Hand, that coven of nurses in the Slums area of Vernworth, and finding out exactly what they’re up to. It begins when you eavesdrop on a conversation between Elena, the head abbess, and Vlasiy, a beastren whose son is being cared for by the group. Speak with Elena afterward and she’ll send you on a fetch quest to deliver three Miasmite, a somewhat rare material, especially if you don’t adventure during the nighttime.
Here’s what you need to know about how to get Miasmite in Dragon’s Dogma 2 plus a full “Saint of the Slums” quest walkthrough.
How to get Miasmite in Dragon’s Dogma 2
First up, you must deliver three Miasmite to Elena. You might not have encountered Miasmite yet because it only drops from specific enemies that can be tricky to find. To get Miasmite, you must kill phantoms, which are the floating green wisps that only appear at nighttime (as shown above).
Your best bet is to pass time until nightfall then embark on a phantom-hunting adventure, keeping an eye out for the wisps in the distance. They stand out from afar against the dark of the night.
Not every phantom will drop Miasmite, so simply keep slaying them until you have three. When you do, return to Elena and hand over the goods.
How to investigate the Gracious Hand in ‘Saint of the Slums’
Upon delivery, Elena will offer you a tour of the premises, including an introduction to Lubomir, Vlasiy’s son from the start of the quest. Lubomir will grab your attention when Elena walks off and explain that he only had a slight fever to begin with but now is too weak to even lift himself up. He asks you to return to him if you discover anything awry with the Gracious Hand.
Head back outside and an abbess named Lottie will begin talking to you. She says Elena gives the patients a “special medicine” in the basement sickroom and, thanks to the moans and wails she hears from down there, she’s afraid for them. Head down into the basement sickroom to investigate.
Go down the stairs and into the room on the right-hand side, then through the door at the back that is usually locked. Inside you’ll find Monika and Lawrence, two other patients, delirious on beds, followed by a storeroom through a curtain. Pick up the “Records of Treatment” and Unlabeled Medicine from the side then head out again. Elena will stop you and explain the patients must not be disturbed, but you’re free to head out.
Speak with Lubomir again and he’ll tell you to speak with Bruno and Jehan, two former patients mentioned in the “Records of Treatment.” They can both be found at Walter’s Tavern during the day, and while Jehan doesn’t suspect anything, Bruno reveals he’s witnessed Elena meeting a suspicious man at night in the Common Quarter where they exchanged packages.
How to test the Unlabeled Medicine in ‘Saint of the Slums’
At this stage, you’re certain something is amiss with Elena and the Gracious Hand — you simply need to piece together enough information to do something about it.
The next step is to see this meeting between Elena and the unknown chap for yourself, so rest until nightfall and head to the meeting point in the Common Quarter. A cutscene will begin when you approach, so you can listen in on their conversation, where Elena gives someone named Alois a package, and he says “Lord Phaesus is like to be in your debt!” (which ties into the main storyline). In return, Alois hands Elena the special medicine.
Your next port of call is far away from Vernworth in the Checkpoint Rest Town, as you need to get the Unlabeled Medicine tested. Once you arrive, you’re looking for a doctor named Radcliff, who should be in his house toward the back of the town. Hand him the medicine, then rest until morning so he has enough time to run some tests.
When you return, Radcliff will explain the medicine is “more poison than physick” and that it has the potential to cure illnesses, but is more likely to kill the patient first. With that knowledge in hand, head all the way back to Vernworth and apprehend Elena.
How to apprehend Elena in ‘Saint of the Slums’
To finish “Saint of the Slums,” you must apprehend Elena, a directive that’s meant quite literally. The game doesn’t explain this at all, so all you need to do is actually grab Elena like you would pick up a crate or one of your pawns to throw them. This will see your character pounce on her in a cutscene before she is taken away by the Vernworth guards and thrown in gaol.
Upon completion, you’ll receive 11,000 gold and 1,600 XP, which isn’t too shabby. If you like, you can visit Elena down in the gaol in future — but as always, like with the mission “The Caged Magistrate,” be wary of the guards.
For more Dragon’s Dogma 2 walkthroughs, here’s who to give the Jadeite Orb to, if you should buy the Ornate Box, how to buy a house in Vernworth, how to rescue the caged magistrate, how to reach the Nameless Village, where to find the Phantom Oxcart, and the best order for Captain Brant’s quests.
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