Ghost of Tsushima’s The Spirit of Yarikawa’s Vengeance Mythic Tale is the fourth you’ll encounter (and the first in Toyotama). It will net you a powerful new ability. In this guide, we’ll show you how to acquire the Dance of Wrath.
Step 1. Finding the musician
At the start of every Mythic Tale, you’ll need to find a musician in the world — rumors from townspeople, especially from the Golden Temple, can help mark the musician on the map. For The Spirit of Yarikawa’s Vengeance Mythic Tale, go just west from Rebel’s Last Stand, across the bridge.
Talk to the musician there, and listen to his tale.
Step 2. Search Old Yarikawa for white smoke
When you regain control of Jin, you’ll already be in the search zone for your first quest. Look northwest, and climb up the cliff toward the center of the the circle to explore the Ruins of Old Yarikawa.
This section of the quest is easy, since the smoke rises into the sky and is easy to see from a good distance. Travel directly northwest of the musician — cutting a straight line through the investigation area to the other side — until you see some white smoke floating into the air. Go to the smoke’s origin point to progress.
On a stone altar, you’ll find a scroll that reads:
Heitaro is a traitor to our people. He’s at the camp nearby. End his worthless life.
Step 3. Search for the Mongol camp along the river
Head west, along the river, from where you grabbed the offering off the rock. You’ll quickly come across a small, burning village. Enter the village and investigate the bodies. Let the man out of the cage and talk to him.
Step 4. Search Old Yarikawa for white smoke, again
Once you rescue the man, you’re back to searching for white smoke. Go south into the circle, and you’ll see some more white smoke rising into the air. Go to it. You’ll find yourself on the outskirts of a small village.
There’s another offering on a rock, next to a lamp. Grab it.
Step 5. Investigate the refugee camp
Just north of the last offering, you’ll enter the Survivor's Camp. Follow the objective marker and speak with the refugees nearby. When you find Heitaro, he’ll ask you to follow him, to prove that he’s not a Mongol spy. Oblige his request and follow closely behind him — he’s extremely slow, so be patient.
He’ll explain that he comes to visit a grave every night. This isn’t the offering you’re looking for either.
Step 6. Search Old Yarikawa for white smoke for (nearly) the final time
We’re on the hunt for white smoke again, and this isn’t the last time. Leave Heitaro and travel east. You’ll find a thin plume of smoke rising from the middle of a burned down village.
There is no offering this time, as the spirit has already grabbed it. But when you approach the table, Jin will hear the sound of combat.
Step 7. Follow the sounds of combat
Leave the village and head northwest, following the wind. You’ll come across another small town. The objective marker will lead you to a house built out of the ground, raised like a kind of hill. Go around to the back until you find a small gap to squeeze under.
Wander around inside the house, investigating the various objects. You’re getting closer, but you’ll need to search for white smoke one more time.
Step 8. Search Old Yarikawa for white smoke for the final time
Leave the house via the window and look north. On the west side of the house, you should be able to see the final smoke plume. Jump on your horse and ride to the northernmost part of the investigation circle.
There’s another offering scroll sitting on a rock. Pick it up.
Step 9. Travel to the Garden of the Gods
After you pick up the offering, you’ll get a new, oval investigation area around Old Yarikawa. Travel south of the magnifying glass to find the Garden of the Gods, a beautiful little grove filled with flowers and an old tree. It’s pretty obvious when you’re in the right place, as it’s filled with glowing fireflies.
Head into the grove and read the scroll on the rock. Turn around to face Yarikawa’s vengeance.
The Spirit of Yarikawa duel boss fight
The Spirit of Yarikawa claims to be a great spirit warrior, here to cleanse Jin from the world. But it’s just another sword duel. As usual, go into your menu and change out your armor for something with melee damage, damage resistance, or health. Parry her attacks for a big opening, and be sure to dodge her red, glowing slashes.
Note that if you die, you’ll come back to life with slightly more Resolve the next time. If you’re struggling in this fight, don’t be afraid to die a few times and resurrect. The fight is much easier when you can use Resolve to heal frequently.
Just before you kill the spirit, the game will prompt you to use your new Dance of Wrath ability. Click your L1 and R1 buttons together to finish off the Spirit of Yarikawa and this Mythic Tale. You’ll get to keep the Dance of Wrath ability and pick up a pretty sweet sword kit: Omukade’s Revenge.