Ghost of Tsushima’s The Unbreakable Gosaku Mythic Tale is the fifth you’ll encounter, and it will net you a powerful armor set for your journey. In this walkthrough, we’ll show you how to acquire Gosaku’s Armor.
Step 1. Finding the musician
At the start of every Mythic Tale, you’ll need to find a musician in the world — rumors from townspeople, especially from the Golden Temple, can help mark the musician on the map. For The Unbreakable Gosaku Mythic Tale, go just west of the Hakutaku Forest.
Talk to the musician there, and listen to his tale.
Step 2. Obtain the keys from the six farmsteads
This Mythic Tale works a bit differently than the others. If you’ve been going slow in Ghost of Tsushima, clearing out the villages and removing the Mongol threat from Tsushima, you’ve likely already collected some of the items you need.
To open Gosaku’s vault and collect his legendary armor, you need to collect six keys — each from liberating six of the game’s farmsteads. But despite this quest taking place in Toyotama, you’ll also find keys in the first area of the game, Izuhara.
Once you start The Unbreakable Gosaku Mythic Tale, the game will mark all six farmsteads on your map for you, minus any of the ones you’ve already liberated. Here’s where to find each of the six keys in Ghost of Tsushima.
Key of Ohama
The Key of Ohama is just west of Lake Kunehama, in the Ohama Fishing Village on Izuhara.
Key of Kuta
The Key of Kuta is north of the Kuta Grasslands, in the Kuta Farmstead on Izuhara.
Key of Aoi
The Key of Aoi is north of Kijo Isle, in Aoi Village on Izuhara.
Key of Yagata
The Key of Yagata is east of the Yagata Forest, in Yagata Farmstead on Izuhara.
Key of Iijima
The Key of Iijima is north of Wakou’s Inlet and east of Iijima Swamp in the Iijima Farmstead on Toyotama.
Key of Koshimizu
The Key of Koshimizu is north of Kawamata Village, in the Koshimizu Farmstead on Toyotama.
Step 3. Travel to the hill in Akashima and unlock the path to Gosaku’s Armor
Once you have all six keys, you’ll get a new quest, to travel to a hill in Akashima. This quest will mark the map, and the wind will guide you to where you want to go. The hill is just north of the Togo Rice Fields. Fast travel or ride your way there.
Once you get to the hill, your objective will change to “Unlock the path to Gosaku’s Armor.” Using your six keys, walk up to the stone door in the mountain and interact with it. With the door open, climb up the cliff face. Make your way to the top of the hill using the handholds in the cliff and your grappling hook.
When you reach the top, you’ll find a red chest sitting on a stone. Open it and you’ll receive Gosaku’s Armor. Picking up the armor finishes the quest. There is no boss fight or duel.
What does Gosaku’s Armor do?
Gosaku’s Armor increases your health. It also increases how much Stagger damage you deal to enemies, making it easier to break their posture. When you kill an enemy you’ve just staggered, you’ll also regain some health, making it great for group fights.