Pokémon Go is hosting an “Ultra Space Wonders” event to wrap up the “World of Wonders” season, which will end in June. The event runs from May 23-28 and it features the debut of the Ultra Beasts Stakataka and Blacephalon.
The event also boosts the spawn of poison-type Pokémon, adds the last leg of the “World of Wonders” Special Research, and rewards doubled XP for winning raids against Ultra Beasts. Mareanie is also available shiny for the first time ever.
Below, we list out all the perks of the Pokémon Go “Ultra Space Wonders” event, including the paid Timed Research, Collection Challenge, and event Field Research.
Pokémon Go ‘Ultra Space Wonders’ event Timed Research and rewards
This is a paid research for $5. Once you buy it, you’ll only have until May 28 at 8 p.m. in your local time to complete it.
Is the ‘Ultra Space Wonders’ paid research ticket worth it?
The value of the “Ultra Space Wonders” paid research ticket is technically worth it, but I would only buy this if you are really hunting for shiny Mareanie or if you want the Naganadel Wings cosmetic.
Step 1 of 1
- Catch 5 poison-type Pokémon (Mareanie encounter)
- Earn 2,000 Stardust (10 Revives)
- Catch 10 poison-type Pokémon (Mareanie encounter)
- Earn 4,000 Stardust (10 Hyper Potions)
- Catch 15 poison-type Pokémon (Mareanie encounter)
- Earn 6,000 Stardust (15 Poké Balls)
- Catch 20 poison-type Pokémon (Mareanie encounter)
- Earn 8,000 Stardust (15 Great Balls)
- Catch 25 poison-type Pokémon (Mareanie encounter)
- Earn 10,000 Stardust (15 Ultra Balls)
- Catch 30 poison-type Pokémon (Mareanie encounter)
- Win a raid (1 Lucky Egg)
Rewards: 4 Premium Battle Passes, Mareanie encounter, Naganadel Wings cosmetic
Pokémon Go ‘Ultra Space Wonders’ event Collection Challenge
There are a few Collection Challenges to complete that involve you catching and evolving specific Pokémon.
Ultra Space Wonders Collection Challenge: Catch
- Catch a Tentacool
- Catch a Mareanie
- Catch a Skrelp
Rewards: 1,000 XP, Mareanie encounter
Ultra Space Wonders Collection Challenge: Research
- Catch a Nidoran-F
- Catch a Nidoran-M
- Catch a Trubbish
Rewards: 5,000 XP, Mareanie encounter
Ultra Space Wonders Collection Challenge: Raid
- Catch a Bagon
- Catch a Deino
- Catch a Druddigon
Rewards: 10,000 XP, Mareanie encounter
Pokémon Go ‘Ultra Space Wonders’ event Field Research and rewards
Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:
- Catch 10 Pokémon (Nidoran-F or Nidoran-M encounter)
- Power up Pokémon 5 times (Trubbish encounter)
- Power up Pokémon 10 times (Mareanie encounter)
- Win a raid (Goomy encounter)
- Win 3 raids (Jangmo-o encounter)
Pokémon Go ‘Ultra Space Wonders’ event boosted spawns
These Pokémon will spawn more frequently during the event period:
- Ekans
- Zubat
- Tentacool
- Koffing
- Stunky
- Croagunk
- Trubbish
- Skrelp
- Mareanie
- Dratini
Pokémon Go ‘Ultra Space Wonders’ event raid targets
The following Pokémon will be in raids during the event:
- Paldean Wooper (1-star)
- Hisuian Qwilfish (1-star)
- Hisuian Sneasel (1-star)
- Bagon (1-star)
- Deino (1-star)
- Galarian Weezing (3-star)
- Druddigon (3-star)
- Turtonator (3-star)
- Stakataka (5-star, eastern hemisphere only)
- Blacephalon (5-star, western hemisphere only)
- Mega Pidgeot (Mega)
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